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Geplaatst: vr feb 25, 2005 1:34 pm
door LucaS
I had a date with Angel! :eusa_liar:

Geplaatst: vr feb 25, 2005 2:37 pm
door Apostata
Official: Koeman has resigned and the trainers will guide the team temporarily.
I hope to god we don't get Louis van Gaal throwing his hat into the ring. That would be a step backwards.

Geplaatst: vr feb 25, 2005 2:38 pm
door Eric
Apostata schreef:Official: Koeman has resigned and the trainers will guide the team temporarily.
I hope to god we don't get Louis van Gaal throwing his hat into the ring. That would be a step backwards.
I doubt it, he signed for AZ Alkmaar month ago.

Geplaatst: vr feb 25, 2005 2:44 pm
door Philippe
sacking the coach is the easy way out for the board, but who is responsible for the terrible recruitment, for the leaving of van Gaal, for all that waste of money on transfers, for not being able to build a new team when lots of money came from the CL ?
the board !
let's sack the board !

Geplaatst: vr feb 25, 2005 7:45 pm
door SPL
I feel alot better now that Koeman has gone but it seems as though we have to start rebuilding. I agree with Ko that the forward line is ok but we need another left winger.The defence needs renewing as both full backs will go and we also need a good central defender. Then there is the midfield !!
Sneijder and De Jong are OK but we need a real dominating player like a young Davids. VDV must go and sadly Pienaar and Galasek as both are too injury prone. The false promises of 2002/03 seem along way away.

What is to become of Heitinga?? At the start of the season the top Italian clubs were looking at him but he seems to have lost it as a defender and is not really good enough as a holding midfielder.Is it down to confidence ??

The main problem with this club this season was the events of 31 August 2004 when we sold our star striker and was left with nothing. No one can win without a good striker.

Geplaatst: vr feb 25, 2005 8:29 pm
door sonicdream
SPL schreef: The main problem with this club this season was the events of 31 August 2004 when we sold our star striker and was left with nothing. No one can win without a good striker.
I'll add to that: the problems became much clearer after that tragic sale.

I really cannot add much to this conversation because I've seen so little of the team matches this year...but when I think back to the last two years when i did get the chance to watch more than a handful of matches, the team never really had much fluidity and motion under Koeman.

Can one player mean so much to a team? Maybe. That can be a debate for another thread...

But I can say this: the day before the Auxerre match I watched Milan winning in style, at Old Trafford. And to think that just two years ago we went neck to neck with them....both teams kept pretty much the core of their players today....and i can only wonder how far the gap is today between these two teams....

Geplaatst: za feb 26, 2005 10:21 am
door Philippe
the Kalou affair, about a 2 meters large and 30 seconds life banner, brought by that scum news paper called "l'équipe" :pukey: caused serious damage to the club's reputation : when Kalou went provocating the Ajax supporters with obscene gestures, French television channel "l'équipe tv" said on their news that it was that guy's answer for "being compared to a monkey by the Ajax fans in the Arena".

Geplaatst: za feb 26, 2005 2:25 pm
door Cedric
I just can't understand how someone can be so blind... :nooo:
The only ones who are damaging the club's reputation are these f***** idiots with an IQ below 0 :pukey: . No one needed to read l'Equipe to see how stupid are some supporters of Ajax, they just have to look at what happened in and outside the stands... Or read a match/news report of the matches against Auxerre in any language !

Geplaatst: za feb 26, 2005 7:22 pm
door Philippe
who are the "f***** idiots" you are talking of ? the television fans who believe anything they are told by Big Brother ? the "L'Equipe" readers ? exemplary Kalou and his "kiss-my-ass" gesture to the Ajax crowd ?

Geplaatst: za feb 26, 2005 7:43 pm
door 666
The fucking idiots that made that fucking racist banner, brought it into the stadium, and displayed it for everyone and everything including the cameras. And the fucking shitheads that threw all sorts of junk onto the pitch in Auxerre, destroyed the seats, and tried to break through the barriers into the adjacent stand.

Lets hope Ajax can single out those fucking idiots on camera footage and ban those fucking assholes from every stadium on the planet.

Geplaatst: za feb 26, 2005 7:51 pm
door Philippe
Someone I know and trust who is an F-Side regular was at the Ajax-Auxerre game and did not even see that banner ; it was not shown on tv neither during the game; therefore, I am certain that this small disgusting thing did only appear for a very short while on the stand; besides as far as I know no one in the Arena called Kalou a monkey, so the "l'équipe" accusations are crap.
I think this paper should be prosecuted for trying to present Ajax hard-core fans as racists, which by all means they are not (they should rather tell intesting stories about the PSG nazi soap opera, but they sell too many copies around there I guess).

Geplaatst: zo feb 27, 2005 12:53 am
door 666
I was at the Ajax-Auxerre game and I saw that banner.

PSG has nothing to do with Ajax-Auxerre.

Geplaatst: zo feb 27, 2005 9:20 am
door Cedric
philippe schreef:Someone I know and trust who is an F-Side regular was at the Ajax-Auxerre game and did not even see that banner ; it was not shown on tv neither during the game; therefore, I am certain that this small disgusting thing did only appear for a very short while on the stand; besides as far as I know no one in the Arena called Kalou a monkey, so the "l'équipe" accusations are crap.
I think this paper should be prosecuted for trying to present Ajax hard-core fans as racists, which by all means they are not (they should rather tell intesting stories about the PSG nazi soap opera, but they sell too many copies around there I guess).
I think that it's you who should be prosecuted for defending acts (banner, chants) which can be assimilated to racism, for defending the throwing of some tens of chairs onto the pitch, for defending the attack of Auxerre fans, etc... These facts DID HAPPEN and it's pure stupidity to say that newspapers does not have to deal with this ! You must be really narrow-minded to believe it didn't happen or that's not serious.... :pukey:
And can you tell me what kind of animal live in a "bananier" ?

If you're not able to understand this, there is nothing we can do for you .... :nooo: :arrow:

Geplaatst: zo feb 27, 2005 1:05 pm
door Philippe
I have not said anything to defend acts or words of racism.
You are seriously insulting me in saying this.

By the way you should know that sometimes men climb up banana trees. So if I say "I saw him climbing up a banana tree", it does not mean "he is a monkey".

What you should think of is how a "news" paper can influence opinion in choosing to stress a fact.

Who is "we" by the way ? You and your teddy bear ?

Geplaatst: zo feb 27, 2005 2:11 pm
door Cedric
I don't think it's me who behaves like a kid papy ;)
So stay in your great world, with all your great friend which live in their banana trees, as it's common in Amsterdam ! :D

I used to have a better 'image' of you...

Geplaatst: zo feb 27, 2005 3:57 pm
door Philippe
you won't believe what can be seen in Amsterdam : once I saw pig driving a wooden van; another time I saw a pink elephant riding a small motor boat on a canal.
take a deep breath and relax : no more so sad story

Geplaatst: zo feb 27, 2005 7:55 pm
door ajaxusa
I wish AjaxTalk could include the body of messages in email notification, or at least the name of the poster, so I could know to ignore this silly "discussion." I keep getting notifications and following them, expecting to find a discussion of Ajax-Auxerre instead of this claptrap. :nooo:

Geplaatst: zo feb 27, 2005 8:25 pm
door Philippe
It's a hard life. :D

I will remember Boukhari pushing Kalou away from the Ajax fans, when the former feyenoord player wanted to go and provocate them again after end of the game, holding an Ajax shirt in his hand.

Boukhari did well, and all good players should stand with the fans as he did.
