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John O'Brien

Geplaatst: wo feb 09, 2005 9:26 am
door Kowalczyk
This is an appropriate moment for the 'launch' of the new John O'Brien thread: our man has now played a couple of games with Young Ajax and he was on the bench of the first team for the first time last Sunday! (unfortunately, Ajax went 2-1 down, so a defensive type wasn't what they needed...)

But he's close to a return!

Geplaatst: wo feb 09, 2005 9:30 am
door LucaS
But will he ever really return is the question I'm affraid. If I remember well John was given a contract for one season last year..they gave him the benfit of the doubt. I don't think Ajax will give him a contract for next season...unless of course he will play all the games from now on (and plays them solid )

Geplaatst: wo feb 09, 2005 9:35 am
door Daily Blind
Why not, He will only get money when he is playing?

Geplaatst: wo feb 09, 2005 9:37 am
door Kowalczyk
Lucas schreef:But will he ever really return is the question I'm affraid. If I remember well John was given a contract for one season last year..they gave him the benfit of the doubt. I don't think Ajax will give him a contract for next season...unless of course he will play all the games from now on (and plays them solid )
I'm afraid you're right.

He's on a very low basic salary now - and gets high premiums (hardly any, so far). He agreed that there will be an evaluation at season's end - and I can't see them extending the current deal.

He's so injury-prone... I think he will be injured regularly, wherever he will play.


Geplaatst: wo feb 09, 2005 3:07 pm
door aveslacker
The optimist in me hopes that he plays well and remains uninjured the rest of the season. I would hate to see him play somewhere else. If things don't work out, I hope he stays in Holland (anywhere but Fucknoord or PSV).

I would hate to see him squander his talents in MLS.

Geplaatst: do feb 10, 2005 10:18 am
door aveslacker
Surprised no one has posted this yet. John played a full, trouble-free 90 against Ghana. Link from Ajax-USA.

It almost makes me have hope again...

Geplaatst: vr feb 11, 2005 10:28 am
door The Purple Cow
John's problems stem from a broken bone in his foot that he sustained quite early in his career. This fracture was then exacerbated whilst practising for the US Olympic team on concrete-hard Californian pitches.

The result was that John was forced to play with a special plastic insert inside his shoe to support the fracture site. However this insert puts an unnatural stress on his Achilles and hamstring, resulting in the long string of injuries we have all witnessed. Another source of problems was the incompetence of the former Ajax medical and remedial staff who caused more harm than good, John was forced to fly in his own physio from California at his own expense, to repair the damage Bobby Harms and his people had done.

Now I remember that after his last injury, Barbara Barend said on AT5 that Ajax's new (and vastly superior) medical staff was confident that he would eventually overcome these problems. Now why they are so confident, I don't know. Could it be that they have found an alternative to the plastic insert?

Only time will tell I suppose. Let's hope so anyway, he's a top bloke, and Ajax could certainly use him right now.

(Edit: Spelling)

Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 11:09 am
door Kowalczyk
Bad news, folks. Bad news.

Ajax and John O'Brien part ways immediately.

Dutch news report on

It's over.

I'm working on a news report.


Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 12:46 pm
door cdnajaxfan
Kowalczyk schreef:Bad news, folks. Bad news.

Ajax and John O'Brien part ways immediately.

Dutch news report on

It's over.

I'm working on a news report.

Just saw the news, expected this to happen though.

Here is an english version on ... el=Holland

Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 2:28 pm
door Kowalczyk
I was kind of expecting Ajax to not extend John's contract at season's end. It would have been sad, but understandable - and better for both John and the club.

But this surprises me enormously. John was just about fit, played a few games for Young Ajax and the Ghana friendly - and was back on the Ajax-1 bench a few weeks ago. Fair chance that he would at least have made his comeback to the first team this season - but apparently he did not want to wait for that.

According to the reports he's not match fit just yet (which suggests that he's had another relapse after the Ghana game and explains why he wasn't on the bench during the past two games). He will travel to the U.S. where's he will undergo alternative therapy in an attempt to get 100% fit. After that he will join Den Haag.

Sounds like a desparate attempt to get fit to me - and, frankly, I wouldn't take it for granted that he will soon be playing Eredivisie football for Den Haag...


Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 5:24 pm
door Kowalczyk
Lengthy news report, just published on Ajax USA: ... -ways.html

You might also want to check O'Brien's player page on Ajax USA:

We updated it and at the bottom of it is the biggest selection of links to O'Brien-related articles on the web (both on and outside of Ajax USA).


Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 7:14 pm
door bryan
John was forced to fly in his own physio from California at his own expense, to repair the damage Bobby Harms and his people had done.
I always had my doubts about Bobby Harms and his bench jumping routine.

Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 9:00 pm
door DanK
JoB - you were an Ajax legend mate. Get well and all the best for which ever team you star for next (except when they play Ajax of course!).

All Ajax supports will miss you.

Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 10:10 pm
door ajaxusa
Here's what I can say: (Granted, what I don't know could fill volumes)... First of all, this move is John's decision, and Ajax have consistently cooperated with him. John is "match fit" (there is no mysterious new injury) but believes that he needs additional recuperative training and has found an opportunity to do so in Los Angeles. He probably wants to do this before re-entering first team football.

Ajax, meanwhile, might have preferred that John stay thru the remainder of the season, but that's totally a guess on my part.

Anyway, it seems pretty clear that John needs a fresh start to his career, and this gives him a chance to take a break, do what he thinks he needs to do (in LA) to get 100% fit, and then move onto a nearby but smaller club and get some very regular playing time -- something which Koeman is in no position to guarantee him -- if for no other reason than that Koeman is probably on his way out himself.

I don't think anyone believes ADO DH is John's long-term home. It's a safe place to land, but..

Again, to echo everyone else's sentiment: John, we will miss you, but we wish you every success! Just, please, no more spectacular goals against Ajax. It was cute the first time, but... ;-)

Geplaatst: ma feb 21, 2005 10:54 pm
door LouisXIV & co
Bummer, damn, shite and moreover: very, very, very sad.

Again the wrong one left Ajax. (Although it was JoB's own decision.)



Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 3:34 am
door vagegast
Sad, sad day for Ajax fans, especially the Americans under us. I just hope he stays injury-free enough at ADO to move to another club. Really, I feel for him. I mean, ADO? I don't want to see Johnny in the Eerste Divisie.

Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 7:07 am
door Kowalczyk
It all makes sense, suddenly...

We were all thinking: John is playing for Young Ajax, against Ghana, he seems fit... then why doesn't he make his Ajax-1 comeback?

And then this: he left Amsterdam for California already for alternative treatment and after that he's off to Den Haag. These plans (both the therapy and Den Haag) must have been in the making for at least a number of weeks (talks with Den Haag and the physio guy in California).

I would say that John and Ajax had a gentlemen's agreement: we'll prepare your departure but keep it quiet, and we won't take the risk of playing you in the first team. John may actually have asked for it himself.

Makes sense.


Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 8:07 am
door Tom_
I always hoped he was gonna make a miraculous return to fitness and never get injured again, but it's pretty clear that it'll be a struggle for him throughout his entire career. Very sorry to seem him go, and wish him the best of luck with his football and his fitness.

Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 8:25 am
door Eric
Kowalczyk schreef:It all makes sense, suddenly...

We were all thinking: John is playing for Young Ajax, against Ghana, he seems fit... then why doesn't he make his Ajax-1 comeback?

And then this: he left Amsterdam for California already for alternative treatment and after that he's off to Den Haag. These plans (both the therapy and Den Haag) must have been in the making for at least a number of weeks (talks with Den Haag and the physio guy in California).

I would say that John and Ajax had a gentlemen's agreement: we'll prepare your departure but keep it quiet, and we won't take the risk of playing you in the first team. John may actually have asked for it himself.

Makes sense.

Let's say that Ajax has been much less lenient in the past, so kudos to Ajax for showing its humain side in this matter.

Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 8:40 am
door aveslacker
While I always, always be a fan of John O'Brien, the player (who scored our first goal in WC 2002 against the Portugese momma's boys) and the person (who was so accomodating to us last year on ArenA day), I will never, ever be a fan of Den Haag. So I wish him well, and Den Haag poorly.

I will now officialy rename ADO Den Haag:


Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 8:47 am
door Kowalczyk
aveslacker schreef:I will never, ever be a fan of Den Haag.
Spot on.

Now we're playing with their club name anyway: people in Holland sometimes call 'em ASO Den Haag. 'Aso' is a common abbreviation of 'asociaal' (= 'anti-social') and it's used as a noun for a redneck/hooligan type person. Which Den Haag have plenty of on the stands.

Anyways - point is: John O'Brien has now officially become a Scumbag. ;)

Kidding, John. Kidding. You tha man.


Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 1:44 pm
door Blind3
I agree with aveslacker totally. I despise the scum at ADO and wish that club nothing but grief. I wish John only success in his recuperation and return to first team football. My only hope is that he moves to a club with a reputation for class equal to that which he has always displayed.

Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 4:03 pm
door aveslacker
I always figured that if he was going to move, it would be to a club like Twente, AZ or Heerenveen, a mid table side with pretensions at making it into Europe. But I suppose he wanted to stay in the Randstad area or something like that. I'm just glad he's not going to MLS.

Geplaatst: di feb 22, 2005 10:26 pm
door LouisXIV & co
aveslacker schreef:I will now officialy rename ADO Den Haag:

*LOL!* :-)

John, all the best! You will always be an Ajacied!


Geplaatst: wo feb 23, 2005 12:59 am
door Feest
There's only one reason why JoB is moving to ADO. His agent is the same guy as the major behind-the-scenes guy at ADO: Rob Jansen.